A Re-Examined Life

Canberra girl’s mission to live a more natural, sustainable life.

Make it From Scratch – Shaving Cream


Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

Of all the gifts I made for Christmas last year, the one I was most pleased with myself for making was shaving cream.  I love this shaving cream.  You should definitely start making your own shaving cream.  Not only is this shaving cream, a shaving cream, but on account of the moisturising ingredients, it is also a moisturising cream.  

There are only 3 ingredients, all natural of course,  and your involvement time is under 10 minutes.

But aside from how easy it is to make this shaving cream, you should also definitely start making it for your skin.  Your skin would like you to stop using the ones you have been buying from the shop, on account of the chemicals that are most likely to be in it.  

I read an article recently from the Mercola website that said in 2004 a study was done on personal-care product use.  The study evaluated more than 10,000 body care product ingredients and there were 2,300 participants involved. One of the findings of the study was that the average adult uses nine personal care products each day, and that across these nine products you will find 126 different chemicals.

The article also suggests that putting chemicals on your skin and scalp may actually be more dangerous than if you ingesting them.  This is because if you eat something, the enzymes in your saliva and stomach work to break it down and flush it out of your system.  But when you apply it to your skin, it is absorbed straight into the bloodstream without any filtering, and as I am sure you know, that chemical-carrying blood makes its way into your organs.

Your average shop-bought shaving cream is basically made up of water, apparently around 80% (which is pretty disappointing considering the price), and a few other ingredients which are there to make the cream lather, preserve the cream, or (if you are using the type that is in a can) to help it exit the can.  

Some of the ingredients you may find in your shaving cream:

So yeah, like I said, you definitely want to start making your own, so here is the recipe  🙂

Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe (from mummypotamus)

(Here are the lovely ones I made for Christmas, in their upcycled bottles with homemade waterproof labels of course!).



  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup shea butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive
  • 2 tablespoons liquid castile soap

What to do:

Melt the coconut oil and the shea butter together in a saucepan, stirring until completely melted.  Add the olive oil and whisk with a fork to combine fully.  Transfer to a bowl and put into the fridge to set completely.  Once set, using an electric beater, whip the cream, adding the castile soap.  You really want to whip it…. whip it good.


And you are done 🙂

But don’t go throwing away your shop-bought shaving cream,  use it to make some art.   The Realistic Mama has 10 ideas for using your shaving cream to make art.



Author: teagls

I am your ordinary Canberra gal, I'm a public servant, a mum, etc, etc... I'm on a mission to live a more natural and sustainable life and I'm looking to do it in the simplest, most cost effective way possible :)

4 thoughts on “Make it From Scratch – Shaving Cream

  1. Does this shaving cream stay fluffy?
    I couldn’t get any shea butter when I was making my shaving cream so I improvised with cacao butter. It whipped up beautifully but melted after being left on the bench for 3-4 warm days. It still works a treat but leaves a bit more of a residue than I guess the shea butter would, but that just means I don’t have to moisturise :).
    Will be trying it with shea butter next time…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had the same problem witht the melting so it didnt stay all thT fluffy, but it did stay nice and creamy, not oily. I am going to try putting my next batch into the fridge after i whip it 🙂


  2. Pingback: Castile Soap and Make it from Scratch – Foaming Face Wash | A Re-Examined Life

  3. Pingback: Castile Soap and Make it from Scratch – Foaming Face Wash - A RE-EXAMINED LIFE

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